Hey guys!
It's already almost the end of August
(& the end of summer too!)
awww ... :(
After that last super long maintenance
people have been having problems logging into the WYD site.
Ok to log in just go to www.wydglobal.com
Then on the top left click the T3FUN name.
(or you could go to t3fun.com)
On T3FUN.com use the left hand side log in box.
Put log in name and passward then click SIGN IN box.
When you in you need to click the text under the WYD name.
(If you just head straight to wydglobal.com it might not show you logged in)
When you get to wydglobal.com you will be logged in!
Go spam Q & A!! (:
or just go to wyd.t3fun.com (: