Monday, November 30, 2009

wyd new update !

Yay! I am talking about WYD update lol!

I am sure so many of you guys haven't gotten used to the new patch, me included =p
There are so many issues about the new 7.55 patch but that's for a different post.

The GMs finally fixed the auto-trade
inconvenience after this last weekly maintenance.

commons !!

 Yes, it is that important !
Buying and selling is alot easier ^_^.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I think this is 1st 15 made from non plus 1 wcoiner event :D

New 7.55 patch !!

1. New Quest for Celestial Character

New quest for Celestials in Snowfield

2. Compounding Celestial Armors and Weapons is now available
2.1 Sets
Melpomene Set for characters Transknight characters
Potamides Set for characters Foema characters
Dryad Set for BeastMaster characters
Set for characters Huntress characters

2.2 Weapons
1. Bow
2. Spear
3. 1-hand staff
4. Wand
5. Sword
6. Axe
7. 2-hand sword
8. Throw

2.3 Celestial Weapon & Armor Combination
To Combine (and unlock) the unique Celestial items, you must follow these steps:
(1)   Go to Refiner Odin in Unknown Continent.
(2)  Bring the unique Celestial item +9, a corresponding god +15 item, 1 Darkness Jewel (Weapon) or Lunar Stone (Armor), and 4 different Secret stones.
(3)  Put items in correct spot: A Slot +9 Celestial Item, B Slot +15 god item, C Slot: Darkness Jewel/Lunar Stone, D Slot: 4 different Secret stones.

1.     Fail: All items will be gone except god +15
2.     Success: All items disappear & celestial +9 is left with stats from god item.
3.     Secret Stones need to be places in correct order to combine successfully.
4.     Combining items must correspond.

3. New Game user Interface
3.1 All the items are size of 1 SLOT, Inventory &Storage changes.
Total size also is reduced reduced:
 Inventory: from 63 to 60 Slots (15 slots divided into 4 Bags)
 Storage Guard: from 126 to 120 Slots (40 slots divided into 3 Positions)

NOTE: The items in inventory that were caught due to the new storage system will be released once there is free space on the inventory.

3.2 You can no longer drop items on ground. To get rid of an item it needs to be thrown in the trash
(Located on bottom right of Inventory).

3.3 The brightness refining inventory is removed; instead a border around the item with a combination of colors will show the refining of the item.
The same applies to the color of item (Magic Bean).

Plus 1 & 0 gloves

Plus 15 gloves

NOTE: Higher and lower refining indicates the color of the item.

3.4 Shortcut to Bags
 F1-Inventory / Stock 1
 F2-Inventory / Stock 2
 F3-Inventory / Stock 3
 F4 - Inventory / Stock 4

3.5 When buying items, it will take 1 space of the inventory, if full the item will go into the bag with free space.

3.6 To remove an item from a character use (CTRL + CLICK), it will go into inventory taking 1slot space, if full the item will go into the bag with free space.

3.7 Item from inventory to cargo, same as above.

3.8 Some items can be stacked or separated; such as essence or powers.
The maximum amount is 120 units;
To stack them just put 1 item in the same slot as the other.
To separate them just use "SHIFT + Left click"
 and a window will open to choose the amount you want to separate.

3.9 Quick SLOT
-Slot Items (Q, W, E, R, T), consumable items are placed in slot Q and W. With CC mode, a character will use the potions of HP / MP automatically.
 - If you put any item in Slot "T" Auto-attack will be changed to the key "Y".

3.10 Upgrading Naiads
You can now tell the plus of Naiads by the character's HP bar color.
Each plus, HP bar will have a different color.

3:11 Bag Wanderer Quest
The item "Exchange of the Wanderer" is used to unlock the bag 3 & 4 of the character's inventory.

4. New mounts

4.1 Black Panther:
This mount is similar to the tiger, but it adds 20% resistance; this mount has its own feed and essence.

4.2 Shadow Fenrir:
This mount is similar to Fenrir, but it adds 20% resistance; this mount has its own feed and essence.

5. Mega Potion
This potion is the combination of the Sephira Potion and the HP Potion.
It increases HP, MP, & DMG/MAP;  it will give bonuses to all characters on the same account.

Note: Time is counted even if the account is logged off.

6. Additional Costumes
- Transknights & BeastMasters have the Draconian costume.
- Huntress and Foema Costume have the Witch costume
Both have same bonus as older costumes.

7. Kephra's drop item will be changed
Khepra bonus drop rate will be removed.

Instead Darkness Jewel & Lunar Stone will be delivered to player who gets let last hit.

8. Level Limit in Nightmare will be deleted
Nightmares no longer have level restriction.

9. Additional penalty when a hardcore character died

When Hardcore is killed by a monster, it will become level 1 mortal.

10. When a character died in unknown continent it will be teleported back to town.
When you die inside clue of rune quests, you will go back to town automatically.

11. Celestial Characters are not allowed to make hardcore character anymore.

12. Revision of Clue of Rune Quests

The Boss of stage 6 and 7 are reversed, so the Balrog is the Boss of the 6th and the Gold Room Carbuncle Boss is in Room 7.

13. Additional Premium items in Merchant Nell

14. When a character equip Gold/Silver angel while in hunting mode Ori or Lak powder will put together automatically.